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Yin yang yoga

There are various motivations we can focus on during our yoga asana practice, drawing our awareness to our physical body, or bringing our focus within, on a deeper energetic level. The Taoists hold the theory that there is a polarity of two energies that are ultimately inseparable. They can be understood as the + and

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Within the fundamentals of yoga we follow both the Yama – guidelines for our daily living – and the Niyama – philosophies that focus within our own bodies to maintain harmony and balance. These are daily philosophies which we should bring not only to our asana practice but hold within us in every action and

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Hatha yoga and ayurveda retreat in India with Sally Goldfinger

Azul’s hatha yoga instructor, Sally Goldfinger, is soon to make her annual trip to India to further her practice and to run a special hatha and ayurveda retreat in the green and tranquil state of Kerala. We catch up with her to find out more. What is hatha yoga? Hatha yoga is the oldest form

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